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Dream, though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous.

short intro
Amalina, otherwise known as Lulu.
A female with Peterpan complex.
Still failing at life but YOLO.
() books, fanfictions, shoujo manga, drama, band music, acoustic songs, FTISLAND, BTS, ideas of soulmate and parallel universe & cats.
yosh,よろしく ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

the past

Template was made by
Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons. Lyric Quotes: Agust D, So Far Away.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 | 0 comments
lulu, I know you can do better. why you so lazy? you should not be like this. come on lu, let's struggle till the end. wooooooooooooot :D

today is 31st August 2010. Happy Independence Day, Malaysia. You are 53 years old already, we are proud of you, Malaysia. We are one Malaysia, say NO to racism!

and in just few days, I'll be legal. I loikeeeeeeee~