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Dream, though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous.

short intro
Amalina, otherwise known as Lulu.
A female with Peterpan complex.
Still failing at life but YOLO.
() books, fanfictions, shoujo manga, drama, band music, acoustic songs, FTISLAND, BTS, ideas of soulmate and parallel universe & cats.
yosh,よろしく ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

the past

Template was made by
Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons. Lyric Quotes: Agust D, So Far Away.

Friday, October 01, 2010 | 0 comments
saya tak ganas sebenarnya. hati saya sangat lembut. awwwwwww~

"yo bro!"
sorry, but I'm not bro okay. I'm a girl. thank you very much. hahaha.

merepek lagi. belajar chemistry hampir separuh gila.
jap, lulu ko dah memang gila lah. tayah risau dah.

wait eih, chemistry. I gonna blog for awhile only. nak release tension jap. haha.

nak tahu tak, my wish for the future; I want to work at mental hospital. rasa macam best je kan? jumpa kawankawan yang seangkatan. awwwwwwwww, I loikeeeee babeh! kalau tak boleh, nak kerja kat hospital gak. nak kerja kat HUKM, tapi dorang kata kat situ ade itu! takuuuuut.

aihhh, my roomate has already asleep. jeles kot. nak tidur gak, tapi belajarlah lu. esok test kot!
oklah, byebye!