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Dream, though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous.

short intro
Amalina, otherwise known as Lulu.
A female with Peterpan complex.
Still failing at life but YOLO.
() books, fanfictions, shoujo manga, drama, band music, acoustic songs, FTISLAND, BTS, ideas of soulmate and parallel universe & cats.
yosh,よろしく ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

the past

Template was made by
Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons. Lyric Quotes: Agust D, So Far Away.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 | 0 comments

credits; + ying_1005@soompi

finally had printed my chemistry folio!
can send it by Friday!
no more burden!",

camwhoring time!
-->fuzy and hazriq [hubby n mubby]
"royal engagement" *ceh*
so many pics of them.
i'm tired uploading it!

and all of us + soo bin^^

we got free drinks after helping teacher today^^
so happy!!yeah..everyone loves free things!!
lol..what happened??